



Hi! everyone.
Through this channel, I will introduce Japan's landscapes, seasons, culture, etc.
This theme is "ramen".
There is a ramen that is distinctive to various parts of Japan. Miso, soy sauce, salt, pork bone, and more ... Taste them is one of the pleasures of travel.
Meanwhile, among Japanese riders, in the middle of touring, it is popular to make and eat instant ramen.
We call it "ra-tsu-".
It is a joint language combining ramen and touring.
Japanese instant ramen, which can be easily cooked and eating deliciously, is popular worldwide.
I also try to cook "ra-tsu-", so please see that.
Now let's go!

0:00 オープニング Opening
1:00 本編スタート
1:39 そもそもラーツーとは
2:53 京浜島つばさ公園
3:18 ラーツーに必要なもの
4:33 ラーツーは暇
5:00 ラーツーってどうやるの?
6:45 実食
8:48 今回のまとめ
9:42 エンディング Ending

#ツーリング #日帰り #ラーツー #BMW #k100 #リターンライダー

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