
【再生注意】埼玉県長瀞町ツーリング スリップ事故<Touring slip accident in Nagatoro Town, Saitama Prefecture>


『長瀞の岩畳』とは、結晶片岩の板のように剥がれやすい特徴である「片理」(水平方向)と、地下深くから隆起した際にできた割れ目「節理」(垂直方向)、そして荒川の侵食がつくった地形です。約8500万年~約6600万年前(中生代白亜紀)にプレートとともに地下20 ~ 30kmの深さに引きずり込まれ、圧力と熱による変成を受けてできました。このときの強い圧力により、雲母のような鉱物がつくられ、薄いパイ生地のように剥がれやすい片理を持つようになりました。地下深くの岩石を地表で観察できるので、「地球の窓」といわれています。

※Please be careful when playing this video as it contains footage of a motorcycle falling over.

This was my third trip to Saitama Prefecture, and this time I visited Nagatoro no Iwadatami in Nagatoro Town.
“Nagatoro no Iwadatami” is characterized by “schiri” (horizontal direction), which is easy to peel off like a slab of crystalline schist, “joints” (vertical direction), cracks formed when uplifted from deep underground, and Arakawa. It is a landform created by the erosion of About 85 to 66 million years ago (Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic Era), it was dragged down to a depth of 20 to 30 km underground with the plate and was metamorphosed by pressure and heat.
Due to the strong pressure at this time, a mica-like mineral was created, and it became easy to peel off like a thin pie crust. It is called the "window on the earth" because it allows you to observe rocks deep underground on the surface of the earth.
The scenic landscape has been loved by people for a long time, and in 1924 it was designated as a national scenic spot and natural monument. Today, it is famous nationwide as a tourist destination, but it is also a sacred place for geological tours where you can observe many geological phenomena, and it is also a place rich in nature where you can observe a variety of animals and plants.
After that, I left Nagatoro-machi, and on the way to the cafe "Tenku no Rakuko", which is located at an altitude of 550 meters in Minano-machi, I slipped and fell down on the mountain pass. .
After replacing the muffler, I damaged it during the first touring, and it was devastating.

B旅チャンネルでは安全運転を心掛け、みなさんと一緒に楽しいバイクライフを過ごせたらと思っています。<At B journey Channel, I hope that everyone will have a fun bike life with safe driving in mind.>

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・Cyber-Rainforce https://cyber-rainforce.net/
・DOVA-SYNDROME https://dova-s.jp/
・d-elf.com https://www.d-elf.com/
・甘茶の音楽工房 https://amachamusic.chagasi.com/
・Honda PCX https://www.honda.co.jp/PCX/
・Insta360 ONE X2 https://www.insta360.com/jp/product/insta360-onex2

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